General Land Office Surveyors of Oregon
Ever since Steve Johnson gave me the list of Washington GLO Surveyors and Contracts, I have wished for such a list in Oregon. There were just as many surveys and surveyors as in Washington, and they were working at about the same time. Neither Oregon nor Washington had a way that a person could get a list of the surveyors that worked in that state, until the Steve Johnson list for Washington. After 30 years of wishing, and when looking for another list, I found the Steve Johnson list for Oregon, not ever realizing I had it all along.
The data was typed into Excel in the same format as the other list in the fall of 2013. Royce Hill gave me the list of Oregon Examiners, Mineral Surveyors, DLC Surveyors and HES Surveyors. A photo spreadsheet had already been created. Active research began in 2014, and continues today.
For the Oregon Surveyors that are in the Washington spreadsheet, most of the information will be copied over, but one hopes not to have too many places to enter the same data. The Oregon photos will refer to the Washington photos as appropriate. Collected biographies, Google Earth, and Waymarks will stay combined.

Pictured: Carl Raymond Caudle
Surveyors of OR Links
GLO Surveyors used herein broadly includes all individuals associated with the Oregon Surveyor Generals Office in the Contract Era, 1851-1910.
Detailed Work History of each of the OR GLO Surveyors, arranged alphabetically
Detailed Work History by Contract Order of all of the OR GLO Surveyors
Photos related to the OR GLO Surveyors (A to E)
Photos related to the OR GLO Surveyors (F to L)
Photos related to the OR GLO Surveyors (M to R)
Photos related to the OR GLO Surveyors (S to Z)
Personal Data and Short Biographies written by Jerry Olson on each of the Oregon GLO Surveyors
Crewmen listed by Deputy for the OR GLO Surveys
Crewmen listed alphabetically for the OR GLO Surveys
Biographies (OR) by Jerry Olson in publishing format (A to E)
Biographies (OR) by Jerry Olson in publishing format (F to L)
Biographies (OR) by Jerry Olson in publishing format (M to R)
Biographies (OR) by Jerry Olson in publishing format (S to Z)
Donation Land Claims, Surveyors and Surveys in OR
Donation Land Claims, Surveyors by Claimant in OR
U. S. Deputy Mineral Surveyors in OR
OR Survey Framework-Table of Meridians and Parallels
OR Survey Framework-Map of Meridians and Parallels
GLO Surveyors Oregon Interment Data
GLO Surveyors Oregon Interment Data Geographically